Technology has once again confirmed that physical boundaries do not prevent communication between speakers from different countries. The proof is that it did happen in the library of the Martinho Árias School, with the first videoconference with the Spanish school, integrated in the reading project BookiCult, of the ERASMUS + program.
Students from the 8th, 10th and 11th grades shared happy moments around the themes addressed in the reading of their choice, by the American writer Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
In an interactive dialogue centered on questions and answers previously prepared, students explored the novel, presenting their opinions and sharing their feelings experienced during the reading of the aforementioned narrative.
In a climate of great enthusiasm among our students, in communion with the Spanish homonyms, the session went as planned, fulfilling the outlined goals, and therefore, an experience to repeat as a communicative practice and use of the English language.