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Foreign Poetry Contest in Cracow

An annual event took place in XX Liceum in Cracow. On 20.02.2020 students from various schools competed during the 20th Contest of...

Bookpackers on the move!

You can follow all the places we visit on Google Earth now. Here we are Bookpackers on the move :)

Bookicult on Instagram!

Thanks to our Portugese team Bookicult has its own Instagram account Don't forget to follw :)

Turkey and Spain together at the debate (no 5)

The bookpackers from Turkey had a pleasure to take part in a debate with IES Fray Ignacio Barrachina from Spain. It was an engaging and...

More and more literature fans (debate no 4)

On January 23rd, another debate debate took place under the Erasmus + program. XX Liceum Ogólnokształcące from Poland and for the first...

Debate no 2 :) Poland and Spain

Spanish debate enthusiasts Polish debate fans On January, 15th the second deabate took place. This time it was between XX Liceum...

Ready, steady, go... Debate no 1

On January, 13th the first debate on the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by S.Foer was held between IISS Evangelista Torricelli...

Book-sharing in Cracow

Students and teachers from the Polish school came up with an idea of book-swapping. This is a side project to promote reading. No waiting...

Welcome to the 3rd World Café in Soure

January 8th, Teacher Alexandra & students gathered for a 3rd session of our monthly rubric, World Café, as part of our European project...

First encounters with Foer

Turkish students have already started discussing the book by Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and preapring for our January debates.

Hello from Portugal :)

As we are all excited about our mobility in Soure, it was a nice surprise to get the welcoming vidoes shot by Portugese students. We all...

Christmas debate

The third meeting of English Reading Club took place in Spain. Now that we are getting closer to our Christmas holidays, students talked...

Logo Contest

The Logo Contest took place in all the schools. In November students could cast their votes on our e-Twinning platform and it's their...

Reading Club in Spain in action

In IES Enric Valor we carry on with our English reading club, today the 2nd session has taken place. Teachers and students of the kA229...

Sharing the reading experience in Portugal

In November the second World Café took place in the Portugese school. Students discussed their first impressions of the novel Extremely...

Booki Cult in Spain

In November in IEs Enric Valor students and teachers have started a new activity within the Booki Cult project. The first session of the...

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©2019-2021 by Bookpackers Around Europe - a project by Erasmus+

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